On the last day of 2021, Telegram, the messaging app, released several new features. Telegram offers an iMessage-style reaction tool as well as an intriguing feature that allows you to hide parts of a text. Spoiler is the name of this exciting feature. Another newly launched, helpful feature of Telegram is the message translation feature, which is undoubtedly a first for a messaging app. Message translation is not available in other messaging platforms, including WhatsApp and Signal. Emojis will soon be available as a way for Telegram users to respond to communications. Telegram will now gain the feature, which is already available on iMessage, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. According to the company, it is the first messaging software to introduce animated and dynamic emoji, providing users unrivalled options to express themselves in chats. In a blog post, Telegram stated that ‘some of these emoji are now available as reactions to communicate sentiments and feedback without sending any words.’ Double-click an emoji to send a Thumbs Up reaction in response to a message. To send additional emojis, press once on the message and select from the list of available emojis. The reactions can only be used in private chats, groups, and channels. Admins can choose whether or not to enable responses and which reaction emojis are visible in the conversation.

Hide Sections of Message Using Spoiler

Users can use the Spoiler feature to choose any part of their text and apply the new ‘Spoiler’ formatting while typing. When you select Spoiler, the selected section of the message will be hidden in the chat, as well as in the chat list and alerts. Message Translation is without a doubt one of the most crucial functions that messaging software can offer. Telegram is the first app to showcase such a feature. Users can now translate any communication into a different language directly within the app. Go to the Settings > Languages to enable the translation feature. A new Translate button appears in the context menu when you choose a message. Users can also choose to exclude any languages in which they are fluent, in which case the translate option for those messages will be hidden. The translation is possible on Android smartphones that support Telegram, while on Apple devices, iOS 15+ is required. The operating system on your phone determines the available languages.

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