PUBG MOBILE has become a tremendous hit amongst people all over the world. It has attracted more players than its PC version. PUBG MOBILE is a very heavy and big game and it takes a lot of space and power from your smartphone to run. Not every device can support the game the way it demands. That is why, Tencent Holdings Ltd, which developed the battle-royal game came out with a smaller and lighter version of the game called - PUBG MOBILE LITE. You won’t find the highest quality graphics of the game with this version, but you will still be able to enjoy it. Now, it is going to get some of the biggest updates it has ever received very soon.


For the PUBG MOBILE LITE, the smash-hit Payload Mode will arrive today. Payload Mode had arrived way back for the PUBG MOBILE but the people using the LITE version of the game were yet to receive the update. This new version of the PUBG MOBILE LITE is named 0.17.0. You will find new additions in the Payload Mode such as grenade launchers, bootable super-weapons, and Surface-to-Air missiles. You can also fly helicopters in this mode and use BRDM-2 tank.


PUBG MOBILE LITE is also going to feature some map changes. You will find a new spawn island in Varenga map. Players can have fun there while the game loads. All the spring festival content has been removed from the maps. Coming to the combat improvements, you can now summon a BRDM-2 tank in the classic mode of the game. Some new firearms have been added as well and the damage done by SMG’s has been rebalanced. There are new synergy functions introduced as well. Now the more games you play with your friends, the more emotes you can unlock. If you want a faster game experience by using less amount of RAM from your device, you can go with the PUBG MOBILE LITE.

PUBG MOBILE LITE To Receive Big Updates  Map Changes and Combat Improvements - 26