PUBG Mobile, the popular survival game, was the talk of the time for a couple of years in India due to the quality of graphics that the game had to offer and the premise that it promised to provide. Despite being wildly popular in the country, it was banned in India in September of 2020 alongside other Chinese applications due to security risks. The company has been trying its best to make a comeback, with Krafton announcing recently that it would be releasing Battlegrounds Mobile India, complete with gameplay changes, age restrictions and privacy rules for enhanced protection. It seems, however, that PUBG Mobile India user data can still be accessed. According to reports from the Indian Express, you may be able to access your data from PUBG Mobile India, with this coming after rumours that the user account and inventory from PUBG Mobile would be migrated to Battlegrounds Mobile India.

How Is The Old Data Accessible?

The report from the Indian Express states that Krafton’s PUBG Mobile retains your data from Tencent’s PUBG Mobile. A brief look into the personal account of the author in Krafton’s PUBG Mobile, which is still playable via unofficial means (VPN), revealed that the data accumulated over the years is indeed intact. This data includes statistics, rewards and unlockables that had been unlocked since the launch of the game. The term unofficial means suggests that the author accessed the game via VPN, albeit with a lag in key features like movement and shooting since you cannot natively play the game in India. For those of you unaware, Tencent stopped access to the Indian server of PUBG Mobile in October of 2020, but it looks like Krafton has somehow gained the user data of Indian players. There are reports that claim that Krafton would not carry forward this data, but since the game is yet to be launched, this report should be interpreted with a grain of salt since only time will be able to tell whether or not there will be any gates to the game by the regulatory body, since the concern over misuse of user data may arise. In case you missed it, Battlegrounds Mobile India is set to release on June 18 with the game up for pre-registration on the Google Play Store, with an iOS release in the works. Pre-registrations will also give users certain rewards, so if you are interested in the game, these perks might enhance your experience.

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