PUBG Mobile has been long gone from India, and the players of the game have been waiting for it ever since. Some resorted to using VPNs, whilst most had to use alternatives such as Call of Duty or Free Fire. But, that original PUBG experience was one that could not be completely met. Earlier this week, news broke that PUBG India was finally coming back to India, after an announcement late in 2020 that the game would be now be showcased as a part of video game holding corporation, Krafton. Then, we got to know that the game would be called Battlegrounds Mobile India. With the name change, some people were left perplexed over what would be new with the application and whether or not the game would be like the original game, which caught the market by storm. Now, we know the key changes to the game, after almost a year of the game being away from the shelves due to concerns from the government, which ultimately led to a ban.

Free To Play, India Exclusive: All That’s New With Battlegrounds Mobile India

As had been talked about, the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India would be bringing with it many new changes and additions to the game that is present on a global scale. Krafton has announced that the game will be releasing with exclusive in-game events such as outfits and features, complete with its own esports ecosystem, consisting of leagues and tournaments catering to the Indian crowd. The game will be free to play, much like its predecessor, but unlike PUBG, Battlegrounds Mobile India will be limited to India. Do not worry, though, as Krafton has said that it will start with a series of India only in-game events at launch, which are to be announced soon. To provide some ease of mind for users, privacy and data security are one of the biggest priorities for Krafton, with the developer having announced that it will work with its partners to ensure data protection and security at each and every stage. As for players under the age of 18, the game will come with certain restrictions, with the developer stating that consent will be required from parents, with a policy in place that requires player under 18 years of age to provide the mobile number of their parents.

PUBG Battlegrounds Mobile India  How It Differs From the Old Game - 17