Trai Chairman RS Sharma has addressed the importance of new telecom policy and stated that the government should implement the National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) which has been approved by the cabinet back in 2018. As reported by PTI, Trai Chairman stated in a COAI meeting that the NDCP 2018 policy needs to be pushed by the government. No official person has raised any concern regarding the terms of the policy. Since the telecom sector has played an important role during the entire COVID-19 crisis, the NDCP policy needs to be implemented to strengthen the telecom sector.
NDCP 2018 will Remove Financial Pressure from Telecom Sector
The Government of India has included various measures under the National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) to help the telecom sector financially. Not only this, but there are also certain terms under the policy which will roll out the telecom networkS and enhance the quality of network with the help of modern technologies. RS Sharma explicitly stated that there are various measures in the NDCP policy which will accelerate the digital connectivity of people.
Telecom Secretary Can Implement NDCP 2018 Policy
Trai Chairman also stated that India had shown its potential in difficult times, and it is ready to embrace the 5G technology. Also, the crisis will be a good chance to grab the opportunity and enhance the telecom sector. He also stated that the responsibility of implementing the National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) 2018 is on Telecom Secretary Anshu Prakash.
Trai Chairman Praised COAI For Maintaining Digital Networks in Country
The entire nation has been facing the wrath of COVID-19 from months now. However, the telecom sector has played an important role in the whole crisis to keep everyone connected amid the lockdown period and provide a stable network to cater to their work and entertainment needs. Trai Chairman lauded the COAI and its member’s efforts who actively work amid the crisis to keep digital networks running in the country. Telecom Secretary Anshu Prakash revealed that the digital networks in India remained robust and active. All the telecom subscribers enjoyed seamless services in the entire lockdown period. He also stated that all the healthcare workers, police and emergency workers could not have operated efficiently without stable digital networks provided by the sector.