Technology and the internet seem very easy to understand from a broader level, but there is much more than what meets the eye. Technology is something that is used by everyone in some form or another bringing a constant need for simplifying things. There are various acronyms in the tech space that make it easier for an average consumer to understand. Using acronyms, however, becomes tricky when there exists a very slight difference between two acronyms that donate two different things. Such is the case with Mbps and MBps.

Mbps Is a Unit of Internet Speed, MBps Denotes Size of a File Downloaded Per Second.

While Mbps stands for megabits per second, spelt with a small letter ‘b’, MBps with the capital letter ‘B’ stands for megabytes per second. Megabits per second is a unit of measurement for download and upload speeds. On the other hand, Megabytes per second denotes the speed at which a file is downloaded or uploaded. In simpler terms, Mbps is used to specify internet connection speeds, and MBps is used to know the quantity of a file is downloaded/uploaded per second. When you go hunting for internet service, an Internet Service Provider will promote their internet speed in terms of Mbps. This means the number of bits transferred per second over an internet connection. Higher Mbps would mean faster internet, keeping all other factors constant. MBps denotes file size downloaded per second. When you upload or download a file, the speed you see is MBps, denoting how much of the file is being downloaded or uploaded in a second.

The Relation Between Mbps and MBps Can Be Quantified

There is a ratio between bits and bytes that can help you establish a quantitative relationship between the two terms. In numerical terms, eight megabits equal 1 megabyte. If you want to determine how many bytes you are capable of downloading or uploading per second, take your Mbps and divide it by eight, which will give you your MBps. Vice Versa, if you want to determine how long a file will take to download or upload, you can divide your file size by MBps. Mbps is a comparatively more critical unit to understand as it gives an idea of what you can feasibly do online. For example, if you have an internet speed of 5 Mbps and below, you can consider using it for browsing websites, sending emails and using social media platforms.

Key Differences Between Mbps and MBps You Should Know - 74