Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has been under a lot of scrutinies for its bad performance over the last few years. But the telco has survived somehow, and it has also added subscribers at regular intervals. While the numbers for BSNL that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) report of March 2021 show aren’t too big, they are still on the ‘green’ or ‘positive’ side. It is the principle of ‘growth’ that matters more than the numbers. Until the time the telco is adding subscribers, it is a good thing for the nation as well the people working at the company. But there needs to be a reason for why BSNL has added subscribers, and we think it is this.

BSNL’s Amazing Plans and Wide Coverage The Reason

For the unaware, the TRAI report said that BSNL added 1,94,310 (1.94 million) subscribers in March 2021. While these are not big numbers, it was the best month for the state-run telco in the last quarter of FY21. The reason we think BSNL added subscribers was because of the solid plans that the telco offers and impressive coverage in rural areas of the country where there are no other operators for competition. BSNL keeps on launching promotional offers and new plans with better benefits. The promotional offers are really competitive and provide users with benefits that no other telco is giving for the same price. Further, BSNL has been recognised for providing good coverage. It might not offer the strongest network services with the best downloading speeds, but BSNL has got one thing right, and that is providing good coverage. Note that we are not saying that the telco has the best network coverage in the entire country. But there are places where BSNL’s networks are ruling because there is no other operator providing services nearby. BSNL also keeps on rolling out offers such as a free SIM card on purchase of select First Recharge Plans (FRCs) to the new users. This helps the telco attract people to its services even though the new 4G SIM card from the company only costs Rs 20. If BSNL can add subscribers when its majority of networks offer 3G services, the telco will certainly get a boost if it can roll out live 4G networks real soon.

BSNL Showed Positive Numbers in March FY21 Because of This - 90