ACT Fibernet, a popular internet service provider (ISP) in multiple parts of India, has said that its Wi-Fi hotspots across the country have seen data consumption of over 2500TB of data. For the unaware, the company has been doing a very noble act of offering free internet data through its Wi-Fi hotspots installed in multiple major cities of India. ACT Fibernet said that it installed over 4300+ Wi-Fi hotspots in cities such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai in 2021. These hotspots saw the data users consuming 2500TB of data. As per ACT, there were over 1.4 million unique users accessing the internet through the Wi-Fi hotspots of ACT, and each of them consumed over 1.8GB of internet data.

ACT Has Installed Wi-Fi Hotspots in Crucial Places of these Cities

ACT Fibernet has installed all of these Wi-Fi hotspots in crucial places in the above-mentioned cities, including hospitals, bus stops, malls, public libraries, parks and schools. All of these places usually have congested mobile networks because of the large number of users in the same area. One of the biggest benefits of these Wi-Fi hotspots is to the mobile operators only. There is often the issue of network congestion during peak hours in India. These Wi-Fi hotspots work as an effective tool for the telcos to offload data traffic. Further, people who can afford to pay and purchase mobile data on a daily also benefit a lot from these Wi-Fi hotspots. Students can download important study materials and see important courses online and more with the free data that ACT Fibernet Wi-Fi hotspots offer. With these Wi-Fi hotspots, ACT users can get the same speed they are getting from their home broadband connection. When logging in through the same credentials as the home network, users, if they get 100 Mbps speed at their home, will get 100 Mbps speed through these hotspots as well. Other users can also sign in by entering their phone number and entering the OTP for using the internet free at 40 Mbps up to 1GB for 45 minutes.

ACT Fibernet Wi Fi Hotspots Saw 1 4 Million Unique Users Accessing Free Internet - 63